Electric Mobility in Canada: Now is the Time to be Bolder

Original Article, D. Breton, Electric Autonomy Canada, August 25, 2021

Accelerating the development of the electrification of transport will end up saving thousands of Canadian lives and billions of dollars while creating hundreds of thousands of high paying and high-quality sustainable jobs across the country, says EMC’s Daniel Breton.

On September 20, Canadians will be invited to choose who they want for members of Parliament. Among other issues, climate change, air pollution and a green economic recovery through electric mobility must be at the heart of the campaign.

This summer the focus on climate has dominated. From forest fires to droughts to poor air quality, we as a global community are all impacted. The clues around us were summed up recently in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report, published in August, and the findings could not be clearer about the state of the environment.

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