Accelerating smart, sustainable transportation businesses

The Centre for Integrated Transportation and Mobility (CITM) is your go-to destination for accelerating the growth of your business, and commercializing your integrated transportation and mobility innovations. 

We offer a comprehensive range of services, programs, and resources to help you develop, test, validate, launch, and scale your innovation. Our mission is to support the success of your smart, sustainable transportation solutions.

Partners, programs and resources to grow your business

If you’re looking to grow your business in the field of integrated transportation and mobility, look no further than CITM. Learn more about how we can help you accelerate your smart, sustainable transportation solutions. Together, let’s build a better future for transportation.

How we help

At CITM, we specialize in helping businesses like yours take electrified, connected, and autonomous vehicle innovations from ideation to commercialization and scale-up. We provide a wide range of services and programs, all available at no cost to our clients thanks to our generous funders and partners.

Our team of experts can assist you with finding product-market fit, developing your technology, and conducting pilot projects. We’ll connect you with industry leaders, business development and technical expertise, R&D resources and investors to help your innovation reach its full potential.

CITM is committed to creating a cleaner, more connected, and more efficient transportation future. We believe that the key to achieving this is through smart, sustainable transportation solutions. That’s why we’re dedicated to helping businesses like yours succeed in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.


Business development expertise & mentorship

Industry technology partner connections

Industry & technology partner connections

research and development data infrastructure

R&D resources, data & infrastructure assets


Funding & investment opportunities

Multimodal transportation innovation for a green, connected world

CITM is your gateway to the innovation ecosystem driving the future of integrated transportation and mobility in the following areas:

electric vehicle transportation hydrogen fuel cell

Electrified vehicle & alternative powertrain technology

Electric Hydrogen Energy Infrastructure Green Transportation Fuel

Electric & hydrogen energy infrastructure

Connected Autonomous Vehicle Systems - Transportation and Mobility

Connected & autonomous vehicle systems

Smart Transportation infrastructure

Smart transportation infrastructure

Transportation as a service solutions

Transportation-as-a-Service solutions

Meet our clients

Meet our network of innovators, breaking new ground with technologies, products, and services for smart transportation, electrified vehicles, and infrastructure applications.

Do you have a groundbreaking technology solution for transportation?

Join the CITM Innovation Challenges to bring your idea to life! Visit the Innovation Challenges page to learn more.

Our ecosystem partners

Join a dynamic network of start-ups and SMEs, like-minded technology, industry, investment, R&D/academic and government partners focused on advancing the smart transportation and automotive sectors.