Exclusive Study: Electric Autonomy asks Drivers “What do you want from your electric road trip?”

Original Article, M. Yakub, Electric Autonomy Canada, January 10, 2022

When it comes to what drivers want to see when stopping at highway rest stops, Electric Autonomy Canada‘s survey finds the expectations of both EV and combustion-engine drivers are actually not that different
In anticipation of a world where electric vehicles will dominate highway lanes, it’s clear that the traditional roadside fueling stations will need to be drastically revamped in order to accommodate the growing number of EVs.

As part of research for The Electric Fuelling Station of the Future design competition, meant to reimagine what multi-purpose electric fuelling stations of the future should look like, Electric Autonomy Canada commissioned an EV driver survey in partnership with Parkland, the Association des Véhicules Électriques du Québec (AVÉQ) and the EV Society to explore driver consumer behaviour profiles and interests relevant to highway recharging facilities.

The exclusive data reveals some interesting insights into what drivers expect from the industry as it overhauls itself to be zero-emission-centric.

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