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Rail Innovation in Canada: Top 10 Technology Areas for Passenger and Freight Rail

Original Report, Dr. E. Abotalebi et al., Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium, August 2020

The main objective of the clean rail innovation study conducted by the Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) for Transport Canada is to identify the “Top 10” feasible technology theme areas that will build Canada’s future passenger and freight mobility system. The overall goal is to conduct a preliminary scan of the state of the industry in Canada today—from both passenger and freight perspectives—in terms of technology innovation that Transport Canada could ultimately use to guide its medium- to long-term research, development and deployment (RD&D) efforts. As a fundamental part of this initiative, CUTRIC has integrated Canadian-based
manufacturers and suppliers within the rail and mobility sectors across five national focus group sessions conducted throughout 2018 and 2019.

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