Macers is an accounting firm providing entrepreneurs with essential financial solutions, from tax planning and accounting to assurance services.


Macers is a Canadian licensed public accounting firm, registered with CPA Ontario. As experts in mastering the vital numbers that power a thriving business, Macers safeguards your business with tailored solutions that turn challenges into opportunities.

Macers utilizes a one-on-one approach to understand the unique needs of start-ups, acting as both a strategic partner and a financial safety net. Whether it’s navigating complexities or reaching ambitious goals, Macers helps start-ups stay on target and score every time.

Services include: accounting consultation, compilation services, corporate tax, review engagements, tax planning, and financial advisory.

Macers  helps entrepreneurs focus on innovating and driving progress while they provide the financial clarity and confidence needed to thrive.

Contact the team at Innovation Factory and CITM to access the perks and services offered to clients by Macers. 

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Quick Facts

  • Licensed public accounting firm 
  • Services range from accounting consultations to corporate tax support
  • Expert advisory in tax planning and assurance
  • Optimizing tax savings and streamlining financial management
  • Offers workshops to educate and train financial teams