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Formed from McMaster University’s Computing Infrastructure Research Centre (CIRC), Fyelabs supports young start-ups and scale-ups, to help take them from idea to a minimum viable product in months or weeks if possible. Using their multidisciplinary expertise and unique Innovation-as-a-Service (IaaS) model, Fyelabs simplifies the process of developing new products and technologies for ambitious small and medium businesses to level the playing field between small companies and large corporations. Fyelabs multidisciplinary expertise includes software, algorithms, electrical/power systems, mechanical, electronics and industrial automation.

Contact the team at Innovation Factory to access the perks and services offered to clients by Fyelabs.

Get connected with the team at FyeLabs



Quick Facts

  • Supports Start-ups & Scale-ups
  • Rapid Minimum Viable Product Development
  • Innovation-as-a-Service (IaaS) Model
  • Multidisciplinary Expertise
  • Leveling Field for Small Companies