Driven by Mobility: How Autonomous Vehicles are steering the future

Driven by Mobility: How Autonomous Vehicles are Steering Towards the Future

The autonomous vehicle (AV) landscape is on the brink of a revolution, unfolding possibilities that extend far beyond transportation alone. With advancements in technology, the integration of AVs into our everyday life could reshape our societal fabric, touching upon aspects of workforce inclusion, economic growth, and sustainable city planning. At the Centre for Integrated Transportation and Mobility (CITM), we stand at the forefront of these developments, fostering innovation by supporting enterprises that champion the evolution towards a connected, autonomous future.

As part of our ongoing content series “Driven by Mobility”, we delve deeper into the potential of AVs, discussing the positive impact people with disabilities could have on the workforce, the breakthroughs achieved by our clients in the AV landscape, the significance of smart city infrastructure for the AV revolution, and much more. Join us as we navigate the terrain of these topics, shedding light on how they shape the future of sustainable transportation and mobility.

Autonomous Vehicles: Empowering Individuals with Disabilities and Revolutionizing the Workforce

Autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the potential to revolutionize not just transportation, but social inclusion and equity through mobility. The introduction of AVs could redefine the lives of individuals with disabilities, enabling an additional 4.4 million people to join the workforce. According to the National Disability Institute, this shift could generate up to USD $93 billion in annual federal tax revenue, while also decreasing federal disability expenditure by nearly USD $27.8 billion.

In order to fully realize these benefits, continued efforts in AV testing, commercial regulations, and accessibility are needed. David Carter, Executive Director of Innovation Factory says, “AV’s will not only revolutionize transportation but also the way we live, work and play. This has enormous implications for cities and how we plan and invest in the infrastructure to create smart cities and reap the benefits of the technology”.

Gatik: Pioneering Fully Autonomous Delivery with Walmart

CITM Innovator Gatik recently partnered with retail giant Walmart to pioneer fully autonomous delivery with their self-driving fleet. Performing multiple delivery runs daily on public roads, Gatik’s trucks enhance the speed and efficiency of Walmart’s e-commerce order fulfillment. Their successful operation signals a promising future for autonomous delivery, raising the bar in safety, efficiency, and sustainability.

5G and the Future of Connected Vehicles: A New Dawn in Canadian Transportation

Positioned to revolutionize Canadian transportation, 5G and its potential for vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication call for a new age in the realm of connected vehicles. As the infrastructure matures, this transformative technology promises to forge interconnected cities and efficient transportation systems, reshaping how vehicles interact with each other and their environment.

CITM proudly hosts the Smart Transportation Network + DataStor, Ontario’s live, multi-site, 5G research and development (R&D) network for electrified vehicle and autonomous vehicle (AV) innovation. This means you can test your software service, bluetooth connectivity, or autonomous driving capabilities, all in the heart of southern Ontario. If you’re interested in a secure, larger bandwidth, tailored designed network, be sure to check out our .

Exploring the future of connected and autonomous vehicles

Want to live and breathe the ecosystem of autonomous vehicles? The best way for you to get involved is to attend various AV events such as the “The Future of Transportation and Mobility (FTMS)” event series co-hosted by CITM.

Held annually, FTMS explores and promotes a variety of topics and solutions to accelerate the future of the connected and autonomous technology sector. The series — featuring a new theme each year — is designed to engage decision-makers, industry, government, innovators and academia in exploring opportunities for critical sectors of the economy and prepare for disruption in the transportation and mobility industries. You can watch last year’s conference online for free on Academy by Innovation Factory.

Other events that focus on AV technology are ‘CAV Canada’ and ‘Autonomous Vehicles Symposium’, both offer platforms for thought leaders to explore opportunities in the transportation and mobility industries.

Delivery Robots on Sidewalks: Bringing the Autonomous Debate Home

Many Canadians have already witnessed peculiar robots on a mission roaming the sidewalks. These small sized autonomous vehicles have been around for a year, delivering your groceries and packages diligently. Just as with countless other advancements, the responsibility for creating and innovating is intrinsically linked to the equally crucial task of questioning and troubleshooting.

We are now asking questions like: “Who has the right of way as a kitty litter box-sized robot on wheels comes whirring toward you while walking the dog?”

That’s precisely the concern local AV thought-leader, Bern Grush of Harmonize Mobility, raised during last year’s FTMS conference. These machines, already a fixture in major North American cities, require us to reconsider the way we navigate and share our urban spaces.

Where there’s a problem, there’s always an innovator with a solution, the next CITM Innovator might have the solution to the problem.

Cyberworks Robotics: At The Forefront of Autonomous Machinery

CITM innovator, Cyberworks Robotics, is poised to revolutionize autonomous machinery with their groundbreaking AI-driven solutions. Their navigation software tackles one of the most challenging hurdles in the autonomous vehicle space: how will AV’s adapt to their surroundings?

This promising technology could reshape various industries by enhancing workplace safety and efficiency. Not only could the software have the potential to resolve the concern Bern Grush raised, but could also be applied to many industries and applications, advancing autonomous robotics navigation and surrounding awareness. As a supporter of Cyberworks Robotics, CITM anticipates their continued growth and impact on autonomous innovation.

Unlock Your AV Potential with OVIN: Ignite Innovation, Fuel Your Future

Interested in carving your own path in the autonomous vehicle (AV) landscape? Your solution lies with the experts, the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN).

OVIN offers programs for those looking to delve into the autonomous vehicle landscape. Their initiatives help develop and showcase groundbreaking automotive technologies and mobility solutions. Collaborate with industry or academic partners under OVIN’s programs to accelerate technological commercialization and open doors to funding opportunities.

As we begin to consider the integration of smart transportation and mobility across our everyday lives, it’s important to equip future talent with the knowledge to thrive in connected cities. The OVIN Regional Future Workforce Program encourages students of all ages across Ontario to explore careers in the automotive and mobility sector. By mitigating the stigma associated with skilled trades and automotive industry careers, the program fosters a new generation of innovators.

Driving the Future: V2X Communication Revolution by Porsche Engineering

Porsche Engineering is leading the development of Vehicle-to-X (V2X) communication, fostering a connected, efficient, and safe driving environment. This innovative technology enables vehicles to communicate with each other and their surroundings, significantly enhancing traffic flow, boosting Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), and setting the stage for autonomous driving.

With Porsche’s focus on safety, their V2X system will help prevent accidents and make roads more efficient. By leveraging AI and machine learning, Porsche Engineering is developing algorithms to ensure V2X functions are reliable and effective.

According to Porsche, in just a few years, vehicles will remain in constant contact with each other and their environment, making our cities smarter and safer.

The Next Steps to the Autonomous Vehicle Revolution: Smart City Infrastructure

Smart city infrastructure is the bedrock for the successful implementation and operation of autonomous vehicles (AVs). By planning and investing in smart infrastructure, we can fully integrate AVs into our cities, revolutionizing how we live, work, and play. Developing smart infrastructure and understanding how AVs fit into plans for roads, traffic control, parking, and public transit is a challenging, yet a necessary endeavor.

Other ‘Driven by Mobility’ Articles You May Find of Interest

We hope you enjoyed this article on autonomous vehicles. Driven by Mobility is an original series where we explore CITM’s five areas of focus. You can find all of them here.

You can also directly jump to each article:

  1. Electric Vehicles
  2. Hydrogen & Electric Energy
  3. The Future with TaaS

About the Centre for Integrated Transportation and Mobility

The Centre for Integrated Transportation and Mobility (CITM) is an accelerator with everything your business needs to take electrified, connected and autonomous vehicle innovations from ideation to commercialization and scale-up. CITM will match you with industry, business development and technical expertise to help you find product-market fit, pilot projects, strategic connections, and growth opportunities. With CITM you can leverage exclusive R&D resources to test and validate your innovation through leading-edge test environments, technology platforms, rich datasets, and specialized labs.

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