
Deloitte logo

Deloitte supports innovators and founders with SR&ED, grants, tax, strategy, and growth services to fuel business success.


TechPlace Logo

TechPlace is a vibrant and collaborative coworking space, providing everything start-ups need to grow in one place.

Invest in Hamilton

Hamilton Economic Development HamEcDev Invest in Hamilton

Invest in Hamilton, led by City of Hamilton provides business assistance for start-ups and existing businesses.

McMaster Innovation Park 

McMaster Innovation Park logo

McMaster Innovation Park is a hub for collaboration, innovation and development for start-ups, entrepreneurs, researchers and industry partners.

McMaster University

McMaster University logo

Canada’s top research institutions; McMaster University, provides community members with multidisciplinary support for research and development.

Mohawk College

Mohawk College logo

Known for applied research, Mohawk College is a centre for applied research and entrepreneurship support.

Gowling WLG

Gowling WLG logo

Gowling WLG is an international law firm leveraging its vast network to accelerate Hamilton’s Innovation ecosystem.

SimpsonWigle Law LLP

Simpson Wigle Law LLP logo

SimpsonWigle LAW LLP provides an array of legal services to all types of businesses.