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The image features Minister Victor Fedeli and Minister Filomena Tassi with other dignitaries at the Autoshow announcing the $8-million investment through OVIN.

Government of Canada supports establishment of two world-class automotive and mobility technology piloting sites

With an $8-million Government of Canada investment, the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) will support over 40 companies as the sector moves towards zero-emissions and connected and autonomous technologies. This press release was originally published by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario on February 22, 2024. Read the

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Businessman using mobile smartphone to utilize TaaS, icons of cloud and Internet of things are layered a top the image.

Driven by Mobility: The Future with TaaS

Welcome to Driven by Mobility. In this article we will tap into the fascinating world of Transportation-as-a-Service (TaaS)! Picture this: you request a ride on your phone, and a sleek, autonomous electric vehicle arrives to take you to your destination. No need for car ownership, no maintenance worries, and most

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A beautiful scene of blue sky and green grass over looking a hill. A sleek white wind turbine represents the clean energy being generated.

Driven by Mobility: Hydrogen and Electric Energy

As our world transitions away from fossil fuels and embraces alternative energy, Canadians can look forward to a host of positive changes in their lives. One crucial benefit will be the reduction in energy costs. By adopting renewable energy sources like electric and hydrogen energy, we can generate power at

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