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Best Practises and Key Considerations for Transit Electrification and Charging Infrastructure Deployment to Deliver Predictable, Reliable, and Cost-Effective Fleet Systems

Original Article, Drs. J. Petrunic et al., Canadian Urban Transit Research and Innovation Consortium, September 2020 Over the past five years, the Canadian Urban Transit Research & Innovation Consortium (CUTRIC) has established itself as Canada’s leader in electric transit bus technological and financial innovation and knowledge. As a member-owned, non-profit

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Electromobility’s Impact on Powertrain Machinery

Original Report, O. Alexy et al., McKinsey & Company, May 21, 2021 The shift to electric powertrains will ripple back to affect the machine-tool industry. Powertrain equipment demand made up more than 40 percent of the automotive industry’s share of global transportation equipment demand in 2019. Given the significance of

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Suppliers Face the Electrified Future

Original Article, M. Robinet, May 3, 2021 Suppliers face critical decisions on a daily basis. Crises come and go. Dealing with erratic production schedules driven by semiconductor supply shortages and coping with rising prices for strategic materials such as steel and resin underscore the cyclical challenges of the auto business.

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On Road Trial of Electric Low Speed Automated Shuttle (LSAS)

Original AVIN Insights Technology Spotlight, May 10, 2021 Low Speed Automated Shuttles (LSASs)1 have the potential to provide new transportation options for riders over the first and last mile of their journey and enhance access to public transportation. They could also provide commuters with a seamless and convenient connection to

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Smart Mobility and the Future of Transportation Planning Careers

Original AVIN Skills and Talent Series,, April 29, 2021 As technological advances (ex. autonomous driving and connectivity) and new modes (ex. shared mobility) continue to emerge over the next decade, transportation can improve; in its safety, efficiency, affordability and overall accessibility. Better transportation systems and services mean better mobility

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