OwnershIP by Innovation Factory

OwnershIP by Innovation Factory logo

OwnershIP provides education, workshops, and resources necessary to better understand and develop your own IP strategies as a Canadian business.

Innovation Challenge

CITM Innovation Challenges

Innovation Challenge provides connected and electrified transportation innovators with access to funding, tech talent, resources, and game-changing opportunities.

Runway by Innovation Factory

Runway by Innovation Factory Resource

Runway supports immigrant entrepreneurs with the skills and potential to build a business in Canada, helping them receive permanent residence.


LiONS LAIR by Innovation Factory logo

LiONS LAIR pitch competition provides entrepreneurs with resources and training to help them build successful business ventures and a chance to win big prizes.

Founders Fast Track

Founders Fast Track logo

Founders Fast Track program provides start-ups with essential tools, resources, and skills to embark on a first fundraise.

i.d.e.a. Fund

idea Fund

I.d.e.a. Fund supports inclusion, diversity, environment and accelerating innovation for start-up and scaling companies.

CITM 5G Network

CITM 5G Network logo

CITM 5G Network helps build software, and develop and train AI, machine learning and advanced algorithms.

The Agency – Mohawk

The Agency at Mohawk College logo

The Agency at Mohawk connects students to businesses to foster talent acquisition and growth.

Hire McMaster

McMaster University: Hire graduate students from a variety of programs

Hire McMaster connects employers with talented McMaster University students and alumni.

Coop at Mohawk

CO-OP at Mohawk logo

Co-op at Mohawk offers businesses a short term and long term talent pipeline.


AWS Amazon Web Services

AWS is a low cost, convenient infrastructure provider.



SOLIDWORKS provides early-stage hardware solutions for startups.



Peninsula provides alternative to In-house human resources.



Hubspot is a lead generation and marketing platform.



Github is the AI-powered developer platform to build, scale, and deliver secure software.